Monday, October 13, 2008

Apple pie and a fleece

Man, if I hadn't named my blog already, that would be it.."Apple pie and a fleece." Hmmm. Well - first the apples...I have all these apples, right? So, I took apples to work in my crock pot and made my office smell like warm apples, and when I was done, turned those into some lovely applesauce. That, however, does not solve my apple-abundance problem. I decided to make a pie. Ha Woo! I haven't made any kind of pie for a while, so in turn, I haven't made crust in a while. And to top that off, I usually buy my crust. Well, since I decided to be more 'frugal' ,if you will, I decided to make one. An actual pie crust that you roll out and fit into your crust. It was great fun, and I hope good tasting, as well. The recipe was one my uncle had written out, actually, and so I'm sure it will be good. My pie turned out beautifully, even though there is some of it on the bottom of my oven floor. I KNEW I should have put a cookie sheet underneath it! Oh well, next time, maybe. So now the windows are open, letting the smoke from the burnt apple pie go out. I can't wait to clean that one up! :-)
And on to the fleece....if anyone actually reads this and has comments (especially on the fleece part) I would be interested to read your point of view. :-) Just a little background on the fleece deal...remember when Gideon was supposed to go into battle, but he was afraid that God was stearing him wrong - because we all know that we know more than God, right?! :-) Anyway - so he put out a literal fleece and asked God to make it wet with dew in the morning, but the ground around it dry. Lo and behold - it happened. Then he wasn't satisfied, so he wanted the opposite the next day. And again - it was so. So I don't know if it's just the church I grew up in or what, but we set out fleeces. Not because we are wanting to seek signs from God, but it is not wrong to ask God to confirm His will to us through however He chooses.
I set out a fleece last night about an issue in my life, and it was answered. Now, after just writing the paragraph before this one, I thought, maybe I should set out another fleece to make sure? Not that I want a different answer, because God and I had a little chat, and I'm okay with the outcome, but just for a double confirmation. But what then if I get a conflicting answer? Oh dear... now I'm stressed out....:-) Not really, but I just normally don't set out fleeces because it freaks me out...what if I don't like the outcome? Then am I going against God if I do the opposite? I think so - if I set the fleece out in faith that God would answer it. So the one I set last night was set in a way that either outcome would have implications, but that one way would be a little more scarier than the other. And that's how it was answered - (the little more scarier way). So I asked God when I set this out, to help me be okay if it ended up the way it did, and I can honestly say I do have peace. Not that I'm not gonna freak out in a day or two, or whenever, but I have faith that since God said no on this one, that He has something else in store for my life.
Whew. I think I'll go make another apple pie - that seems easier than a fleece! :-)


Katie said...

Apple butter is good. And I think you better give up the fleece thing before you hurt yourself. +)

Abbi said...

The apple pie sounds yummy!
We have set out fleeces as well (thought not often that I can think of) but I don't know about setting out two...